Next Year

Reception hosts - Sets up and mans the reception table for the concert. The club will pay for the drink/napkins/cups, etc. Receipts should be submitted to our treasurer, Pat Moler. Members are asked to bring food (desserts, appetizers, fruits or vegetables) to the concerts. Programs scheduled at Westminster at Lake Ridge do not require a table set up, therefore those months are not listed. We need a host for each of the concerts listed below and an overall coordinator.

1. September 25, 2010 -
2. November 20, 2010 -
3. February ?, 2011 -
4. March ?, 2011 -
5. April 16, 2011 -

Reception coordinator -

House Concert Coordinator - Sends out notices to WMC members, organizes and prints the programs, and coordinates with the host for each evening program (3 programs per year).

WMC Scholarship Competitions Committee (including Kiki Thomaidis Piano, WMC Instrumental, and WMC Vocal Competitions) Contact the chairman for further information.

1. Chairman - Betty McCary

CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) Chairperson - Work with Pat Moler, treasurer, in preparing the application to establish a CFC number for our club. The application is due in mid January.

Yearbook Editor - Compiles and edits the WMC yearbook to be completed by mid-August. This position requires computer skills.

WMC Brochure Chairman - Designs and produces the WMC brochure for the year.

WMC Activities Chairman - Disseminates information to members at the October meeting concerning festival, scholarship competitions, student recitals, and any other student functions planned for the year. Will function as the go to person for questions throughout the year.

National Music Week Committee - Organizes and coordinates WMC community events during National Music Week in May. (See Laura Riski for details.)

1. Chairman

WMC Historian Committee - Each year in the past, the WMC has had a Historian who compiled all the materials (programs, photos, newspaper articles, etc.) that related to Woodbridge Music Club for that year into a book. This Achievement Book was then submitted to the VFMC each year. This year I could not find anyone willing to take on that responsibility. As a result we did not have a book to submit this year. If you are interested in continuing this tradition, please volunteer to serve on the committee next year with the end goal of compiling a book which reflects our activities during the year.

1. Chairman

The positions that have been filled are listed below. If you would like to help out in any of these areas please let me know. Many of you may have expertise which could really benefit the club.

Arts Council Representative - June/Robert Shuffett
WMC Scholarship Competitions Chairman (including Kiki Thomaidis, WMC Instrumental, and WMC Vocal) - Betty McCary
Publicity Chairman - Robert Shuffett
Music Outreach Chairman - Shannon Catabui
Senior Scholarship Chairman - Cyndy Elmore
Workshop Committee - Laura Riski and Grace Reid
Student Recital Chairman - Grace Reid
Teacher Referral Chairman - Leslie Bennett
Program Design Chairman - Paul Brady
Webmaster - Bill Riski

Our Vice-President, June Shuffett, is the program coordinator for our club.

Thank you.

Elaine Brady,
WMC President