August 2012 Newsletter

(continued) For those of you who didn’t have your yearbook mailed to you, your new WMC yearbooks will be ready for you to pick up. Be careful to take only the yearbook with your name on it, and please sign the “received” list.

I have included a calendar of programs and events below. This should help until you receive your yearbook. I hope you will take a few minutes to look at the schedule and mark your calendars. I’d like to highlight a couple of unique concerts we have scheduled this year. On November 10 we have scheduled a Member Composers’ Concert in which we will feature our composer members in a concert of their own works. In April we will have a unique program in which photographs and music are combined. Members will be performing the music during that concert as well. All members are invited to attend the holiday celebration/house concert on December 8. This is your opportunity to spread a little cheer throughout our club. All in all, the calendar for the year looks great.

I am proud to be the president of the Woodbridge Music Club, and I take our mission seriously – to promote the performance and education of music in our community. I urge all of you to encourage others to become members and join with us as we celebrate music in our community this year. More information about our club can be found in your yearbook and on our web site at All events for students are described and listed in your yearbooks. Encourage your students to participate in WMC student events.

I have included a calendar of Concerts, House Concerts, and Christmas in Occoquan Concerts. Feel free to print it out and post it on your refrigerator or somewhere convenient to remind yourself of upcoming WMC events.

I hope to see you on the evening of September 22.

Elaine Brady, D.M.A.
President, Woodbridge Music Club

PDF of newsletter:
August 30 WMC newsletter